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Blechnum Gibbum 'Silver Lady' treefern

Blechnum Gibbum 'Silver Lady' treefern

Regular price 125 SEK
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Blechnum gibbum 'Silver Lady' is one of the few ferns that develops a tree-like trunk.

The compact plant form makes Blechnum gibbum 'Silver Lady' ideal for growing in pots and smaller spaces & over the years it gets a stem. She is a perennial and grows mainly in the humid tropical biome.

Care: Despite its exotic appearance, this fern is relatively easy to care for, making it a good choice for both beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts. T thrives best in bright, indirect light. Keep the soil evenly moist but not wet. She prefers warm temperatures between 18-24°C

Botanical Description

Scientific Name : Blechnum gibbum 'Silver Lady'

Origin : This species has its natural range from Vanuatu to New Caledonia.

Height : Can grow up to 0.6-1 meters in height.

Foliage : Arched leaves that are pale green to silver green in color and can grow up to 0.6 meters long.

Natural habitat: The tree fern Blechnum Gibbum has adapted to survive in both tropical rainforests and drier, mountainous areas. This versatility makes it very durable and easy to maintain in different environments.

With its unique silver-green leaves and remarkable adaptability, this fern can become a long-lasting and treasured part of your plant collection. Buy a tree fern online!

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