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Real Vanilla Idea 'Vanilla planifolia' Variegated

Real Vanilla Idea 'Vanilla planifolia' Variegated

Regular price 85 SEK
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True vanilla is extracted from the fruit of an orchid species called Vanilla planifolia . This variety has a mutation on the leaves that gives a beautiful appearance

It has its 'roots' (haha) in south-eastern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean Antilles. In Guatemala, this fruit has been used to flavor cocoa since millennia. Vanilla became known to Europeans in the 16th century, but it wasn't until the second half of the 19th century that larger plantations were established outside the plant's natural range. Today, vanilla is grown in most tropical countries.

Care: Let grow in mostly sphagnum , with some perlite . Likes to climb on something. We plant symbiotic plants or place a plant support next to which the vanilla can grow and root into.

Botanical Description

Origin: S. Mexico to N. Brazil.

The flowers , which are hand-pollinated in cultivation, open early in the morning and are receptive to pollen for eight hours. The very next day they wither. The fruits are picked when they are still unripe, dark green and only faintly yellow at the tip. Fancy a truly unique plant that will challenge your green fingers for flowering? Buy Vanilla Idea at ferns online!

Structure : The stems are long, climbing and vine-like, and can be up to 10-15 meters long. They are green and fleshy, making them flexible and strong enough to climb trees and other structures.

Fruit: The fruit is a long, narrow seed capsule often called a "vanilla pod" or "vanilla pod". The seed pods are green when unripe and turn dark brown when dried. Inside the pods are thousands of small, black seeds, which are the source of the vanilla aroma.

Vanilla planifolia variegata is the source of natural vanilla, one of the most popular and expensive spices in the world. Vanilla is used in a variety of food products, from baked goods to beverages, as well as in perfumes and aromatherapy. Buy a variegated vanilla orchid onlie!

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